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New Orleans Medical Mission Services

All Rights Reserved.

(504) 392-1934

P.O. Box 6249

New Orleans, LA 70174

Rosa is taken home by her daughter and husband just one day after her total knee replacement. Your donations made Rosa's new lease on life possible.

Rosa is up and smiling even though she's feeling the pain in that right knee. She walked the halls of the ward and learned her exercises from Leslie.

Our Nicaraguan helper, Pedro Chevez, L, helps Leslie Parry begin post-op therapy on Rosa the morning after her surgery.

Phisical Therapist Leslie Parry sits with Rosa in the ward after her successful operation.

We first met Rosa Martinez in Leon during our 2014 mission. Physical Therapists Leslie Parry and Jeroen Staarman saw that she was there helping another patient. They stayed in touch and convinced Rosa to join us in Matagalpa to have her own knee operation.

Dr. Estrada was assisted by PA Tuck Skinner, center, and Matagalpa surgeon Dr. Carlos Marin.

This is Dr. Estrada drawing his guide lines in the area of the operation.

That's Rosa's knee just before Dr. Lance Estrada began the surgery Monday. This promised to be an extensive repair job.