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New Orleans Medical Mission Services

All Rights Reserved.

(504) 392-1934

P.O. Box 6249

New Orleans, LA 70174

Dr. Jacob put his creation together to show to Dr. Cajina (R) and Dr. Sudium Martinez (L) as nurse Marin watched. Then he demonstrated the simple procedure to cut and shape the material used in the fix.

Last Dr. Jacob donated a few hundred of the nasal kits to be used by the local doctors to fabricate their own fixes so their cannulas can be used to help the neo-natal infants get a good start on life.

Dr. Jacob used the spongy product in the kits brought by NOMMS to fabricate a soft barrier between the cannula and the infant's nose.

The neo-natal cannula's hard plastic was causing loss of blood flow and occasional necrosis, loss of flesh, to the infants' noses.

On a tour of Hospital Molina's great new neo-natal intensive care unit Dr. Dan Jacob hears about a problem with the tiny cannulas needed for their little patients. Nurse Roxanna Marin watches as Dr. Frank Cajina (R) explains.