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New Orleans Medical Mission Services

All Rights Reserved.

(504) 392-1934

P.O. Box 6249

New Orleans, LA 70174

Dana Atchison is Assistant General Counsel for Entergy Services, Inc., where she has worked since 1998.  Her practice focuses on cyber security, privacy, procurement, and intellectual property matters.   She is has a B.A. (Politics & Economics) from Lake Forest College, a C.S.S. (Management & Administration) and an A.L.M (Government) from Harvard University, and a J.D. from Tulane Law School.  She also studied Eastern European law at Univerzity Karlovy School of Law in the Czech Republic.  She has published articles on data security and Russian constitutionalism in The ACC Docket, The Louisiana Bar Journal, and The Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law.  She is admitted to practice law in Louisiana, Texas, and Colorado.  Dana also serves as an officer and board member for New Orleans Medical Mission Services, and runs its eye-clinic program.

Dana Atchison

email NOMMS